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Jewish Con Salsa

March 4 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Come join us for a fabulous Jewish Latin American dinner where New York Times bestselling author Ilan Stavans and Cantor Elias Rosemberg will take us on a tour of Jewish Culture in Latin America. Between courses, Stavans will talk about his own experiences and how the mingling of Jewish and Spanish influences has created a unique culture and cuisine. Cantor Rosemberg will perform songs and talk about the distinct musical culture created by Jews in Latin America. This promises to be an evening not to be missed! Appetizers, drinks, dinner and dessert will be served! 

Copies of Ilan Stavans’ cookbook Sabor Judio: The Jewish Mexican Cookbook will be available for purchase at the event, or pre-order on the registration page. Sabor Judio celebrates the fusion of two culinary traditions, offering 100 recipes for everyday and holiday cooking, as well as providing a history of Jewish immigration to Mexico from 1492 to the present.

Tickets: $40

Register Here→

Registration deadline is February 25th

This program is supported in part by grants from the Sisterhood Temple Emanuel Fund and the Newton Cultural Council

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