Turkey Drive Raises over $9000 – THANK YOU!

Each year, Temple Emanuel hosts a Turkey Drive in support of the Mass. Ave. Baptist Church food drive (Project Manna). This year was different. Rather than our traditional holiday meal, the Church served take out. What was not different was the number of those in need this year. With the amazing participation of our community, Danny Mandeau is proud to announce that we raised over $9,000 for this year’s Turkey Drive.

Dear Temple Emanuel Kehillah,

I am delighted to report that over $9000 was raised for this year’s Turkey Drive.  Your collective response was overwhelming and so much appreciated.  We received 110 contributions that averaged $83 per family. As Rabbi Wes always says, that’s a true WOW!

Although Thanksgiving was very different this year and none of us attended, the Soup Kitchen was able to give out over 60 turkeys on a take-out basis.  Based on the amount we raised ample funds are left over and here’s the plan of distribution:

First, replace the motor in the big walk in freezer.  Then, if any money is left repair the portion of the floor that is sinking.  Most likely, that will more than deplete these funds but if not, Pastor Brown reminds me that the heating bill is quite large this time of year.

Thank you all for your support of the Mass Ave Baptist Church Soup Kitchen, aka Project Manna.  Your generosity is truly like a gift out of heaven.

I look forward to seeing you again in person sometime in the not so distant future.

All my love,
