Shabbat & Prayer

Prayer Services

Pray With Us!

All are invited to the myriad of prayer services at Temple Emanuel. Parents are encouraged to bring their children. At our services you will find longtime Temple Emanuel members and newcomers, women and men, children and elders, people who want to learn new davening skills and people who just enjoy being in a cozy setting, people with limited Hebrew skills and expert daveners.

Please visit our Youth and Family Services page for information on additional service options for families.

Visit the Service Times page for up to date information about when services are held.


Shabbat Alive!

Fridays at 6:30 pm in the Rabbi Samuel Chiel Sanctuary

Our traditional, fully participatory Shabbat evening service, with song and instrumentation, Shabbat Alive!, begins at 6:30 pm in the Rabbi Samuel Chiel Sanctuary. Join Rabbi Michelle Robinson and Hazzan Elias Rosemberg for this uplifting service.

Lay-Led Non-Instrumental Kabbalat Shabbat Service

Fridays at 6:30 pm in the Gann Chapel

Join Minyan Ma’or and Temple Emanuel members for this engaging Kabbalat Shabbat service filled with the melodies you know and love as well as some rich learning together.  The time for this service is variable, depending on the season. View our service times here! Please email Rachel for more information.

Hashkama (Early) Minyan

Saturdays at 6:45 am in the Gann Chapel

The Hashkama Minyan, is a fully egalitarian, lay led-service that meets every Shabbat of the year, and is followed by a fabulous sit-down breakfast.

For Torah, Haftarah, and davening opportunities please contact Hazzan Sheini Daniel J. Nesson or click for more information about the daily minyanim.

Shabbat Chapel Minyan

Saturdays (monthly) at 9:30 am in the Gann Chapel
  • The Shabbat Chapel Minyan is a fully egalitarian, traditional lay-led service that convenes monthly in the intimacy of the Gann Chapel. Members lead davening, chant Torah and Haftarah and deliver divrei Torah.
  • There are many opportunities for participating in the service and volunteers are needed and welcomed. Please contact one of the Minyan coordinators, Ralph Isberg or Sidney Kadish if you are interested in participating in this service.
  • Questions? Please contact Alan Shuchat.
  • Read some of the selected Past Drashot / Divrei Tefila delivered by our participants.

Rabbi Samuel Chiel Sanctuary Service – Saturdays at 9:30 am

  • Rabbi Wesley Gardenswartz, Rabbi Michelle Robinson, Hazzan Elias Rosemberg, Hazzan Sheini Daniel J. Nesson and Aliza Berger.
  • Our sanctuary service includes spirited congregational singing, a weekly Torah commentary, the commemoration and celebration of lifecycle moments and a sermon.

Daily Minyan

  • Daily minyan services are held twice each day to provide for the spiritual needs not only of its members but of the entire Jewish Community.
  • Our minyan is egalitarian, with participation available to everyone at his or her level of ability.
Learn More

Minyan Ma’or Prayer Services

  • We welcome all to Minyan Ma’or (“light”).  Our services are lay-led and egalitarian.  We are a diverse, inclusive community ranging from single households to families across the age spectrum. Services are entirely in Hebrew except for an English drash on the weekly parsha. There typically is a significant amount of singing. For more information, contact Stephanie Listokin or Yair Listokin
Learn More

Yoga For the Soul Minyan

  • Meets Sunday mornings, several times throughout the year
  • Rabbi Michelle Robinson and Michelle Silberman Hubbard, Yoga Instructor 
  • In this innovative morning minyan we will be using our bodies to pray, our voices to chant, and movement to connect with holiness in a Jewish way.  Come awaken your senses as you awaken your soul.  Expect an uplifting morning service and a great sweat.