
Kol Emanuel

Led by Cantor Rosemberg, Artistic Director and Eugenia Gerstein, Conductor, the Adult Choir performs several times a year in services and concerts, including the High Holidays, a Hanukkah concert at an extended care facility, Shabbat Shira, Project Manna concert, Yom Hashoah commemoration, and Yom Haaztmaut.

The Choir practices every Wednesday night from 8:00 to 9:30 pm, September through June. For more information, please contact Cantor Elias Rosemberg or Eugenia Gerstein, Choral Director.


Zamira is Temple Emanuel’s all women singing group.  Our mission is “Singing, Support and Service.” Under the talented musical direction of Eugenia Gerstein,  Zamira meets for practices twice a month to mingle and sing beautiful Jewish/Israeli music.

Practice sessions follow the congregational school year calendar. With part of our mission being Tikkun Olam, Zamira performs several holiday concerts each year at local senior residences and participates in Temple Emanuel musical programs. We also enjoy attending musical and social events in the community together.

All Temple Emanuel women singers are welcome! If you are interested in learning more about Zamira, please contact Lisa Golden.

Adult Klezmer Band

Let’s bring out the sound of the Shtetl!

If you love Klezmer music and play any instrument, then join our Klezmer Band. You will enjoy playing old and new tunes and will learn about Klezmer music. How do the mysterious notes come together as music? Are there are special chords, scales? Find out the answer through playing Klezmer music. The band performs at Hanukkah and Purim, bringing happy music to the Jewish community of Greater Boston.

All levels and all instruments welcome!