Please click here to share about your beloved departed one’s life with our community
Few of us are prepared for the death of a loved one, but it is a reality with which we each must learn to cope. While your personal journey through this difficult time may be unique, know that you are not alone. We hope that the love of family, friends and your Temple Emanuel community will comfort and strengthen you in the days ahead. Whether it be providing minyan, supplying a meal, or having someone to talk to, we are here to help you and your family.
Bereavement Committee:
Since 1995, Temple Emanuel’s Bereavement Committee has been a strong presence in our Temple Emanuel community, bringing support and comfort to congregants who have experienced a loss. We work with our clergy and professional staff to provide both practical assistance and emotional support to congregational members and their families upon the death of a family member.
Temple Emanuel’s Bereavement Committee provides bereaved families with a pamphlet, A Time to Mourn, which outlines the Jewish approach to death and mourning. Copies are available at Temple Emanuel’s Blum Executive Office or online.
Please contact Elyse Friedman or Diana Gould to learn more about Temple Emanuel’s Bereavement Committee and how it provides support and comfort to congregants who have experienced a loss. If you are interested in supporting our committee and the families in our community, please contact us here.
Our custom for unveiling is very simple and usually family-led. You gather with your family at the graveside and invite each person to share memories of your mother. You then remove the covering from the stone and read it aloud. You then recite a short prayer and then recite kaddish together . At the end, you place a stone on the grave and return for a meal of consolation together.
TE Cemetery
From its earliest days, the Temple Emanuel community has been committed not only to our living members but also to honoring the memory of those who are no longer with us. In support of that commitment, our congregation created-and continues to sustain- Temple Emanuel Memorial Park, which was consecrated in 1959 as the cemetery for our kahal, our congregation.
More Information Here