
The Rabbi Marshall R. Lifson Library, endowed by the family of Rabbi Marshall R. Lifson, houses a collection of more than 12,000 books, DVD’s and CD’s of Jewish interest for congregants of all ages. All Temple Emanuel members are welcome to check out materials from the library.

What You’ll Find at the Library


Adults will find a wide of selection of fiction, cookbooks, history, travel, biographies, and books for life cycle events.

Discover the perfect children’s book, CD or DVD among our a very large collection for younger and older children.  These include picture books, books on the holidays, fiction, biography, as well as parenting and family life materials.

Use our extensive selection of biblical texts and commentaries for study or d’var Torah preparation, especially for upcoming b’nei mitzvah.

DVD’s and Subscriptions


Our expanded DVD collection includes the latest Israeli films, plus many classic fiction and documentary film about the range of Jewish experience.

The library subscribes to current newspapers and periodicals such as the Jewish AdvocateJewish Daily ForwardJerusalem PostCommentaryTikkun and  Moment Magazine.

Library Hours

Between Labor Day and Memorial Day, our hours are:

  • 9 am – 12:00 pm
    Sunday (alternating)
  • 4 pm – 6 pm
  • 4 pm – 6 pm


Financial donations to the Rabbi Marshall R. Lifson Library in any amount are always welcome. Please consider a gift in memory of family or friends, to pay tribute to someone special, or to mark a special occasion. If you are interested in endowing a special collection, please visit our Gift Funds page for more information. 

Temple Emanuel is not accepting books at this time but please consider donating books to these companies.  Baystate Books and More Than Words will pick up. 

Baystate Books HOME | Baystatebookcompany (baystatebooks.com)

Baystate books has many drop boxes located in the Metro area.  They will also pick up books.

More Than Words Donate Books and Clothes – More Than Words (mtwyouth.org)

This is a local organization which is an incredible program. It employs at-risk teens and teaches them many job skills.  Books may be dropped at two locations:  downtown Boston or Waltham.  Books can be picked up as well but a donation is req

Prison Book Program -Website: Donate Books – Prison Book Program

This organization takes donations of books and the website provides an explanation of the books they are accepting.  If you read the description and have newish books in excellent condition, you may drop them at the Rabbi Marshall R. Lifson Library labeled: Prison Book Program.

Thrift stores such as Salvation Army will also take books but you should call ahead to get information about what types of books they are accepting.

Make an Appointment

To make an appointment to use the library when we are closed, please call 617-558-8126 or email Deb Abner. We will get back to you shortly.