Welcome to Minyan Ma'or
Minyan Ma’or meets every Shabbat morning and on Chagim in Reisman Hall. Our services are lay-led and traditional egalitarian. We are a diverse, inclusive, independent, and friendly community. Our founding membership comes from the Newton Centre Minyan.
We are cooperative in nature and members take part in all aspects of the service from reading Torah to greeting guests. The kahal volunteers its talents and skills on a rotating basis.
Services begin at 9:30 a.m. and include a full P’sukei D’Zimrah, Shacharit, full Torah reading and Musaf, all in Hebrew except for an English drash on the weekly parsha. Singing and spirited participation are welcome and encouraged. Children are encouraged to lead closing prayers, including Ein Keloheinu, Aleinu and Adon Olam.
Minyan Ma’or runs a fun and engaging children’s service on Shabbat mornings. Junior Minyan is for kids ages 6-12, led by trained teen leaders.
Minyan activities also include learning, social action efforts, social events and offering support for members during both joyous and challenging times.
A hearty and delicious Kiddush follows services. Please drop-in and join us anytime.
For general questions:
Contact Minyan Ma’or Rosh Stephen Brown
For membership questions:
Contact Minyan Ma’or Membership Co-Coordinators Stephanie Listokin and Linda Stanger
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Minyan Ma’or all about?
We are committed to warm, spirited, participatory prayer services. We are an independent, traditional egalitarian minyan within the community of Temple Emanuel. Please drop-in and join us anytime. Minyan Ma’or warmly welcomes everyone.
How many households belong to Minyan Ma’or?
Minyan Ma’or has a membership of about 135 households including 90 children under 18.
How can I get involved in Minyan Ma’or?
There are many opportunities to get involved in the Minyan! We welcome everyone’s involvement in all aspects of Shabbat services, including children who can lead Ein Keloheinu and other closing prayers.
If you would like to be hosted for a Shabbat dinner, lunch or holiday meal, please email Minyan Ma’or Rosh.
Who leads Minyan Ma’or?
Minyan Ma’or is run by a five member Leadership Team, including a Rosh or head. There are also coordinators and committees that organize services, children’s programming and social gatherings. Contact Minyan Ma’or Rosh.
How can I learn more and/or become a member?
Contact Membership Coordinators Stephanie Listokin and Linda Stanger.
Do I need to join Temple Emanuel to become a member of Minyan Ma’or?
Minyan Ma’or is a part of Temple Emanuel. In order to formally join Minyan Ma’or, you must first join Temple Emanuel.
Service Information:
What is the service like?
Services begin at 9:30 a.m. and include a full P’sukei D’Zimrah, Shacharit, full Torah reading and Musaf, all in Hebrew except for an English drash on the weekly parsha. Singing and spirited participation are welcome and encouraged. Children are encouraged to lead closing prayers, including Ein Keloheinu, Aleinu and Adon Olam.
Do you have children’s services?
Yes. Minyan Ma’or runs a fun and engaging children’s service on Shabbat mornings. Junior Minyan is for kids ages 6-12, led by trained teen leaders.
Davar Torah
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