
Active Living Programs for Older Adults (and their families)

Programming will now be In-Person and on Zoom!

The following programs will continue to entertain and provide comfort during these uncertain times: L’Chaim, Memory Cafe, Active Living Programs, Artful Afternoons, Caregiver’s Support Group, and the Adult Child Support Group.

Questions? Please contact Tracy Schneider at 617-959-4928, Temple Emanuel’s Seniors Coordinator for more information and Zoom links.

Ongoing Programs

Memory Cafe

A memory café is a model of social programming that provides an inviting place for people with forgetfulness or other changes in their thinking – and their family/friends!

At Temple Emanuel, our monthly Memory Café is inspired by Jewish themes of the season while also being welcoming to all. Each month, we start with conversation starters and refreshments, followed by an interactive program.

There is no cost to attend — but registration is required! Please come on to this program with your spouse or caregiver. This series is open to Temple Emanuel members as well as the greater community.

Memory Café is proudly co-presented by Temple Emanuel Senior Fund and the Deanna and Sidney Wolk Center for Memory Health at Hebrew SeniorLife

Meeting Times

Join us on Thursdays!

1 – 2 pm on Zoom

A care partner must accompany guests who require personal care assistance.

L’Chaim Weekly Gathering

L’Chaim welcomes seniors on Tuesday afternoons to share a variety of programs such as music, bingo, health, nutrition, Israel, books, and trips. Refreshments are served. New members, especially from Temple Emanuel families, are welcome.

Meeting Times

Join us on Tuesdays!


Contact Tracy Schneider at for Zoom link and to register.


Artful Afternoons

“Artful Afternoons” is an interactive art appreciation and art making program for active older adults, with a new theme each time!  Held on Thursday afternoons, this program offers storytelling, film, visual arts, music and more to stimulate the mind and soul.

No charge; all are welcome!

Sponsored by the Agress Family in Memory of Al & Trudy Agress

Meeting Times

Join us on Thursdays!

6:30pm-7:30pm on Zoom

Adult Child Support Group

Facilitated by Adrianna Alpaugh

For those managing a parent’s care.

Registration required. Contact Tracy Schneider at 617-959-4928 or to register and for the zoom information.

This series is sponsored by Adelaide and co-presented by the TE senior fund, Chestnut Park at Cleveland Circle, Cabot Park Village at Newton, Evans Park at Newton Corner, and The Falls at Cordingly Dam.

Meeting Times

Tuesday evenings, 6:15pm-7:30pm

Temple Emanuel's Caregiver's Support Group

Facilitated by Audrey Zabin

Audrey Zabin will share practical and timely information to support spouses and partners of loved ones who suffer from dementia. Her goal is to make caregivers feel less isolated.

There is no cost to attend- but registration is required. This series is open to Temple Emanuel members as well as the greater community.

Call Tracy Schneider at 617-959-4928 or email for the zoom link and registration.

Caregiver Support Group is proudly co-presented by Temple Emanuel Senior Fund and the Deanna and Sidney Wolk Center for Memory Health at Hebrew SeniorLife.

Meeting Times

Friday mornings, 11am-12pm

Active Living Programs

Adapted Senior Exercises to Enhance your Fitness with Kim Bartlett and Jen Davis

Mondays 1pm-2pm

We are grateful to VILLAGE BANK and the Temple Emanuel Senior Fund for supporting Adapted Seated Exercises this season.

Total Body Workout with Jill Meyer

A class for all levels. 20 minutes basic fun cardio dance, 20 minutes body sculpting/conditioning & 20 minutes stretch and balance

Wednesdays 12:30pm-1:30pm

We are grateful to the Temple Emanuel Senior Fund for sponsoring this Winter workout.

Seated Zumba Gold with Ketty Rosenfeld
  • Thursdays 4:00pm-5:00pm
  • We are grateful for a participant's private donation and the Temple Emanuel Senior Fund for supporting Zumba Gold this season.

For more information or to join our mailing list, contact