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please re-subscribe today!
Temple Emanuel has various vehicles to publicize the amazing number of quality events that we hold during the year. We provide both official as well as unofficial ways to get the word out about upcoming services, classes and programs. Through our e-newsletters and email groups we enhance communication by targeting separate groups within the synagogue. Temple Emanuel has a growing presence on Facebook and Twitter. In addition, the synagogue publishes and mails to the entire membership a bimonthly bulletin called From the Gates.
Our hope is that through our diverse communication methods we are able to balance notifying the Temple Emanuel community of the numerous upcoming events in a timely manner without overloading our members.
Publicizing Programs
To ensure that each event/initiative gets its proper time in the spotlight, we have developed Communication Guidelines to help streamline the process. Please review these guidelines. They will help you to effectively publicize your event.
E-Newsletters and Email Groups
Upon joining Temple Emanuel, the staff subscribes our new members to the appropriate e-newsletters, including our weekly Synagogue wide e-newsletter along with e-newsletters for our Sisterhood, Brotherhood and the Youth Department.
Members also receive occasional stand-alone e-blasts for Featured Events, Baby Announcements, Bereavement notices and Weather Alerts.
The following are optional email groups that we encourage our members to subscribe to:
TE-Talk – Temple Emanuel’s Unofficial email group
TE-Talk is an unofficial email group / listserv with membership open to everyone in the Temple Emanuel community. This group is not managed by the Temple Emanuel staff or leadership, and does not reflect policies or opinions of the synagogue. The posting rules to this group continue to evolve based on feedback from our membership. See The 10 Commandments of TE-TALK Etiquette for posting guidelines.
Overall, people primarily want to use this group for:
– asking for references (contractors, baby sitters, etc.) or other help
– announcing upcoming events of relevant interest
– sharing articles that have an Israeli or Judaic orientation
To Subscribe: Send a blank email (from the email address you want postings sent to) to te-talk+subscribe@googlegroups.com
Google will send you a confirmation email. If you have a Google account you can click on “Join This Group”, modify your settings for this group and click on “Save”. If you don’t have a Google account, then just reply to the confirmation email.
To Post: Send an email with a relevant subject to te-talk@googlegroups.com.
Note that te-talk is a moderated groups and messages are usually posted within 4-6 hours.
To Search prior postings: Click on this link.
Questions? Please contact Brian Lefsky.
Temple Emanuel’s Bereavement Committee Group
Temple Emanuel’s Bereavement Committee Group provides a communication method for our lay-led Bereavement Committee
Our members provide practical and emotional support to mourners, volunteering to assist mourning families in various ways. Learn more …
To Subscribe: Send a blank email (from the email address you want postings sent to) to TE-Bereavement+subscribe@googlegroups.com
Google will send you a confirmation email. If you have a Google account you can click on “Join This Group”, modify your settings for this group and click on “Save”. If you don’t have a Google account, then just reply to the confirmation email.
To Post: Send an email with a relevant subject to TE-Bereavement@googlegroups.com
Questions? Please contact Elyse Friedman