Talmud this Shabbat: Stay Awake for The Second Half!!

Football games are won in the second half. Basketball games are won in the fourth quarter. Baseball games are won in the last inning. (One day we will see these games again.)

So too the seder’s deepest meanings are gleaned from the second half. Ironically, many American Jews miss it. We do our talking and sharing in the first half. We eat. We drink. We are tired. We bail. The second half of the Haggadah is often unloved and not experienced.

After our Talmud class last week, Michelle pointed out that the second half of the Haggadah has deep wisdom for this surreal season.

Tomorrow, Michelle, Aliza, Elias, Dan and I will each present our favorite teaching from the second half of the Haggadah. If you are struggling to get your head in the game, if Pesach is not yet where you live, if you can’t yet make yourself feel like Pesach is coming, if you cannot make yourself care like you usually care, this class is for you.

The texts are here. Additional resources here. The link for our 8:30 virtual class is here. The second half of the Haggadah can lift us all up now.

Shabbat shalom,