Rabbi Samuel Chiel Kallah

Join us for a special weekend with Scholar-in -Residence Arnold Eisen, former Chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary!

About Arnold Eisen 

After nearly half a century of studying and teaching major works of modern Jewish religious thought, Arnold Eisen – one of the world’s leading scholars on American Judaism – has written a personal theological essay remarkable for its honesty, accessibility, and insight.

Like many Jewish theologians before him, Eisen is resigned to the fact that there is little mere mortals can know about God’s nature. His focus is rather the search for the “hiding God,” the meaning of fleeting encounters with the Creator, and the acts of justice and compassion that human beings are called to perform as God’s partners, in God’s name.

Seeking the Hiding God is a rich, original, and moving work. It invites readers of all persuasions to join the author in asking – perhaps for the first time – what they actually believe about ultimate matters of faith and doubt, and rewards fellow- searchers for ultimate Meaning with reassurance that the search itself can be a source of personal fulfilment, vibrant Community and great joy.

Learn about all programs below:

Talmud Study
March 22 // 8:30am-9:20am

Thinking Theologically with the Torah and the Rabbis

One thing we don’t talk about enough is God. Community we talk about. Kiddush we talk about. Israel we talk about. How to inspire our children and grandchildren we talk about. But God? Not so much.

Join us in Room 24/25 or on livestream as Chancellor Arnold Eisen has a real live conversation with our members about what they believe, or do not believe, about God—and whether their belief, or lack thereof, even matters.


Shabbat Morning Service
March 22 // 9:30am-12:00pm

Sermon Topic: Theology, Community and the Search for the Hiding God

In the Torah God tells us that from time to time God will hide God’s face. This would seem to be such a time.  How do we find God in our troubled world together?


Post Kiddush Talk
March 22 // 1:00pm-3:00pm

Join former Chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary, Arnie Eisen, for a special post-kiddush talk hosted by Minyan Ma’or! Chancellor Eisen will teach texts that help us evolve in our faith. Let’s say you’ve never been a God person. God has just not been relevant to you. Can that change? Can we think differently about God so that God can matter now and in the future when God has not mattered to us in our past?

A Theological Discussion Between Arnie Eisen and Rabbi Wes Gardenswartz
March 23 // 9:00am-10:30am

Join Chancellor Arnie Eisen, author of Seeking the Hiding God, who will be in dialogue with Rabbi Wes Gardenswartz about his faith in God in this hard world at this hard time.

Stay after the discussion to purchase your own copy, signed by Arnie!
