Mechirat Chametz – Selling Your Chametz

During Pesach, we are prohibited from owning any chametz.  Centuries ago, our Rabbis established a legal method that enables us to sell our chametz to a non-Jewish neighbor and retrieve it at the conclusion of the festival. The document is called a “Shtar Mechira.”

Feather and spoon will be available starting March 19th!

There are several ways to sell your chametz. Chametz must be sold by Friday, April 11th @ 10am:

  • Complete and return this form by mail, attention Dan Nesson
  • Complete the form below with donation
  • Appoint Dan Nesson as your agent via email at
  • Appoint Dan Nesson as your agent by phone (617) 558-8104

I, the undersigned, hereby relinquish ownership of all chametz and chametz mixtures in my possession. I authorize Mr. Daniel Nesson or any subsequent agent that he may appoint, to act on my behalf for the purpose of selling my chametz and chametz mixtures to a non-Jew for the duration of the Passover Festival. I further agree that I will gather all the chametz, chametz mixtures, and all cookware, utensils, dishes, and all items used to prepare or consume chametz, and place them in a segregated, clearly marked area. This contract absolves me of all chametz of which I am unaware. In this regard, my donation to tzedakah is below.