A Seder workshop from the home that brought you “A Different Night” and “A Night to Remember”, for parents, grandparents, Seder hosts and participants. We’ll delve into the educational goals the rabbis set for this special night, and see how the structure of the seder helps unlock the creativity of the night. Loads of ideas, suggestions and creative options for any Seder.
Join us in-person or via livestream!
Rabbi Mishael Zion comes from a Haggadah-filled home: he is co-author of A Night to Remember: The Haggadah of Contemporary Voices (2007) and The Israeli Haggadah (2024), together with his father Noam Zion, who is the author of A Different Night: The Family Participation Haggadah (Hartman, 1997). Mishael was ordained by Yeshivat Chovevei Torah in New York, has served as co-Director and rabbi of the Bronfman Fellowships, and founded the Mandel Program for Leadership in Jewish Culture for Israeli Arts, Culture and Media leaders. He is also leader of the Klausner Minyan in Talpiot, Jerusalem, the neighborhood he was born in and in where his wife Elana, and their four daughters, live.