Annual Appeal

October 2024—Tishri 5785

Do you remember where you were, and what you were doing, on Saturday night, April 13?  That was the surreal evening when Iran fired off some 300 drones, missiles and rockets towards Israel, the first time it did so.  Many of us spent the night anxiously following the news. Many of us were on our phones with our friends and family in Israel.

Let me tell you what a young man named Nate Cahners did that night. He grew up in Brookline and celebrated his BM at TE many years ago.  Nate, his mother Nancy, and his sister Sarah, have all made Aliyah.  That very evening, April 13,  Nate got married in an area known as the machtesh, in the south of Israel.    He married an Israeli woman named Smadar.  They knew about the drones, missiles and rockets.  They got married that very night anyway.  In fact, they danced the night away literally until the morning light. What is that?

The Torah has a verse that speaks to what that is.  At the beginning of Exodus, as the Egyptians oppressed the Israelites, the Israelites did not become weak, meek or submissive. They did not shrink in fear. To the contrary,  “vayishretzu vayirbu vayaatzmu bimod meod,” the Israelites became bigger, stronger, and more determined—in a word, undaunted.

The same is true for us now.  The intensity of this past year had made us bigger, stronger, and more determined—in a word, undaunted.

Bigger. Temple Emanuel has never been bigger.  We now have more than 1,500 member families, which is the largest our congregation has ever been. Many of our new families joined our community precisely because of our unabashed and positive support for Israel and its people this year.  But it’s not just about numbers. It’s about engagement.  All our programs are bursting at the seams.   Vibrant children’s services; robust attendance in our preschool, religious school and kesher; adult learners in person and online in big numbers; multiple missions to Israel that our members took after October 7; First Fridays and Taste of Shabbat Alive that are filled with generations doing Shabbat together.  More people, and more people doing more Jewish activities, than ever. Bigger.

Not just bigger also stronger.  We have had more conversions this year than any previous year.  Many of the stories we hear from people who chose to convert after October 7 have similar themes. I married a Jewish partner years ago. I was not Jewish.  We brought children into the world and raised them as Jews.  I was still not Jewish.  But when October 7 happened, I knew it was my time.  I just knew I needed to become part of the Jewish people.  Many of our recent converts to Judaism don’t only join our people.  They are super active and engaged.  The energy of our newest members makes our whole community stronger.

Not just bigger and stronger, also more determined.  Last month we hosted the Friends of the IDF dinner.  One of the hostages who was heroically rescued in the spring was on our bimah.  Three soldiers who went into Gaza and faced live fire to rescue them were on our bimah. You will remember that Arnon Zmorah, the commander, died in this mission.  He left behind his wife and two small sons.  And his parents.  His parents were on our bimah, hugging the freed hostage.  Our Rabbi Samuel Chiel Sanctuary was never more jam packed as we honored what Israeli undaunted looks like.

Our Israelite ancestors were undaunted. Our Israeli brothers and sisters are undaunted.

We too do our best to be undaunted. We are bigger, stronger, and more determined.  That is all great.  But undaunted costs more. Being a source of energy, spirituality, love, friendship and connection 365 days a year takes resources.  We are a growing congregation . A growing congregation needs growing resources.  Let me say that again.  A growing congregation needs growing resources.  That is why our Annual Appeal has never been more urgent, because it gives us the resources to meet the needs of our bigger, stronger, and more determined congregation.

In the spirit of Yom Kippur, how are we doing as a congregation in supporting our Annual Appeal? I would say we are doing okay.  The good news is that about 50% of our congregation supports the Annual Appeal.  If you have given or pledged your support,  thank you so much!  Your gift makes it possible for us to meet the needs of our growing congregation.  But if you are in the 50% that has not yet supported our Annual Appeal, think of the opportunity for growth.  Please do support our campaign this year.  Because here is what is at stake.  Biblical Israelites did it.  Israelis today are doing it.  We are trying to do it. Undaunted.

For us to remain that way, we need you.  We need all of you. Not 50% of you. 100% of you.  Thank you for your support which will allow us to be bigger, stronger and more determined in this new year.

Shanah tova u’metukah,

Amy B. Klein and Adam Suttin, Annual Appeal Chairs
Liz Goldstein, President
Wes, Michelle, Elias, Aliza, Dan, Clergy Team


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