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Event Series Event Series: Yoga For The Soul Minyan

Yoga Minyan

April 6 @ 9:00 am - 10:00 am

With Michelle Silberman Hubbard, Yoga Instructor 

Sundays mornings | 9 – 10 am

Join the Zoom session here

Meeting ID: 836 1739 8178

Our rabbis taught us that the soul is joined intimately to the body.  The two move together and each can be used in the service of God. In this innovative morning minyan we will be using our bodies to pray, our voices to chant, and movement to connect with holiness in a Jewish way.  Awaken your senses as you awaken your soul. Expect an uplifting morning service and a great sweat. No previous Yoga or davening experience necessary. Dress for comfort. Bring a yoga mat or towel, a small towel, and water. Time to get up and stretch your body! Grab your mat or towel and join in via Zoom. New participants always welcome!

Sponsored by Sisterhood Temple Emanuel

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