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TE Connects – Learning with Wes

February 8, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

We are starting a new TE Connects group for adults! Please join with your friends and Rabbi Gardenswartz for the first session in the Gann Chapel.

“Are The Ten Commandments Easy or Hard to Do?”

Next Shabbat we stand at Sinai and receive the Ten Commandments.

They have become so iconic that we perhaps do not think about them as much as we might.

Are they easy or hard to do?

For example, the first commandment is to believe in God, specifically the God of history.

Easy or hard?  What if we can’t?

The tenth commandment is not to envy what your neighbor has. Easy or hard? 

What if we can’t?  What if we constantly struggle with envy?

In between are other challenges.  Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.

When I ask people at Temple Emanuel, is your Saturday fundamentally different from your Sunday, most people say no. 

They confess: Both weekend days are similar, taken up with errands, running around, carpool, screens, emails, texts, work, life. 

Many of our members, perhaps most, do not keep the Sabbath day holy.

Wednesday night, February 8, in the Gann Chapel and on livestream from 6:00 to 7:00, we are going to talk about the Ten Commandments. Can we actually fulfill them?

And if not, how do we think about commandments that are so basic and yet so hard to fulfill?

Contact Wayne with any questions!

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