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Event Series Event Series: Artful Afternoons

Artful Events

January 9, 2025 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

“Artful Events” is an interactive art appreciation and art making program for ACTIVE OLDER ADULTS, with a new theme each time! No charge, all are welcome! Please RSVP to Tracy Schneider at 617-959-4928 or Tracys120@yahoo.com.

December 5 – Featured Artist: Lee Krasner

Lee Krasner (1908-1984) was the first American-born child to Russian Jewish refugees in Brooklyn, NY. She knew from a young age that she wanted to be an artist, so she studied at the Women’s School at Cooper Union and the National Academy of Design. She was an abstract artist in her own right when she met Jackson Pollock, who would become her husband and more famous than she. Join us to learn about her story and view the art of the artist who once said “I like the canvas to breathe and be alive.”

Carolyn Melbye has a BFA with a concentration in ceramics. After college she worked in the art collections field. A few years later, she became aware of the power of art to heal, and pursued her MA in expressive arts therapies. She counsels primarily adults and older adults, creates artwork for self-expression, and presents on art history. Carolyn is passionate about sharing her interests in looking at art, and exploring how it can more deeply connect us to our past, to others, and ourselves.

January 9 – Artist Appreciation: Marc Chagall

Join us as we take a look at the life and career of Russian-born Jewish artist Marc Chagall, an early modernist artist who used whimsical and dreamlike images to depict his many memories and life experiences. He is well-known for his paintings, lithographs, and stained glass works.

Michele Marram (M.A., M.L.S.) is a research librarian and art educator who leads interactive Artist Workshops for multiple ages. Through her presentations and hands-on workshops attendees explore both the historical context and style of the subject’s life and creative works.

February 6 – Artist Appreciation: Camille Pissarro

While most know him as a French Impressionist, the artist Camille Pissarro was born to a Jewish family in the Dutch-ruled St. Thomas in 1830. His parents sent him to boarding school in France at age 12, and to their dismay, he preferred studying fine art. He exhibited at and co-organized all of the Impressionist Salons of the 1870s and 1880s. He and his wife, Julie Vellay, had seven children, six of whom were artists, as well as several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. View some of his portraits and landscapes and be inspired to paint your own following the presentation.

Carolyn Melbye has a BFA with a concentration in ceramics. After college she worked in the art collections field. A few years later, she became aware of the power of art to heal, and pursued her MA in expressive arts therapies. She counsels primarily adults and older adults, creates artwork for self-expression, and presents on art history. Carolyn is passionate about sharing her interests in looking at art, and exploring how it can more deeply connect us to our past, to others, and ourselves.

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Sponsored by the Agress Family in Memory of Al & Trudy Agress



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