Welcome to Minyan Ma’or (“light”), which meets on Shabbat mornings and chagim in Reisman Hall . Our services are lay-led and egalitarian. We are a diverse, inclusive community ranging from single households to families across the age spectrum. Our founding membership comes from the Newton Centre Minyan.
Operating largely as a cooperative, members perform a variety of tasks intended to enhance our community, support individual members and improve the world. We make services possible by doing everything from Torah reading to greeting guests. The kahal contributes its talents and skills on a rotating basis based on personal skills.
Services begin at 9:30 a.m. and include a full psukei, shacharit with repetition of the Amidah, full Torah reading and musaf (no repetition) and are entirely in Hebrew except for an English drash on the weekly parsha. There typically is a significant amount of singing. We primarily use the Sim Shalom siddur and the Etz Hayim chumash. We also hold two member-led children’s services Mini Minyan (typically through first grade) and Junior Minyan (until bar/bat mitzvah). Children’s services are meeting outdoors on a reduced schedule. Following services, we have a full kiddush.
Minyan activities also will include learning, social action efforts, social events and offering support for members both during joyous and challenging times.
Anyone over 12 years of age should be fully vaccinated to attend in person davening. In addition, all people in attendance need to be fully masked, both inside and outside. You may remove your mask to eat outdoors. There is no eating inside the building allowed.
For more information, please click HERE
Questions? Contact Stephanie Listokin or Yair Listokin